Lenswood Main Street Beautification Project

The Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association has been working on a proposal to beautify the area around the Post Office and the intersection between Swamp Rd and Lobethal Rd. The plan is to submit this proposal to the Adelaide Hills Council and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT). DIT are in the early stages of planning for a proposed safety upgrade to Lobethal Rd from Ashton to Lobethal and we have met with their project team to share our concept ideas for consideration.

We are seeking the communities feedback and ideas on the proposal so far. We plan to consult the community by displaying our concept plans at the Lenswood Post Office and on our Facebook page(s) inviting any feedback on the concept work done to date. We will be holding a community consultation meeting in the near future to discuss these ideas. The subgroup working on the main street beautification project will review and consider all feedback provided by the community, then consolidate into a final proposal that will be presented to the Adelaide Hills Council.

We have prepared some concept plans and invite you to look at them and provide feedback or ask further questions either by emailing lfrcassoc@gmail.com or filling out the physical feedback form at the Post Office and handing it in to Andrew.

The essentials of our proposal are:
1) Widening the footpath outside the Post Office and shop to allow outdoor dining and provide safer pedestrian connectivity to Centennial Park.
2) Planting trees in the existing parking lane and formalising parking spaces to calm through traffic along the main street
3) Installing planter boxes and/or garden beds along the footpath outside the Post Office.
4) Construction of marked pedestrian crossings over Swamp Rd and over Lobethal Rd, particularly to improve safety for school children walking from the primary school to the Post Office, where children are often picked up after school by their families.
5) Revising the geometry of the Swamp Rd-Lobethal Rd intersection to slow traffic while allowing space for trucks to negotiate the corner.
6) Planting screening vegetation along in the road verge to enhance the visual aesthetic of the main street.
7) Clearing of a small Council reserve by the creek to allow access and use by the general public as a potential future picnic area.