General meeting

The next general meeting of the Lenswood & Forest Range Community Association will be held on Thursday 16th February at 7.30pm at the Forest Range Hall, 1263 Lobethal Road, Forest Range. Do you have ideas for community projects or social events? Please come and be involved.

General Meeting

The next general meeting of the Lenswood & Forest Range Community Association will be held on Thursday 24th November at 7.30pm at the Forest Range Hall, 1263 Lobethal Road, Forest Range. We will be talking about the next Forest Range Cinema, working bees at Lenswood Centennial Park and more.

Please come and be involved in the discussion, bring your ideas and support your community πŸ™‚

AGM 2022 Minutes

The Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 13th October 2022. A couple of changes/additions to the committee but much the same. Welcome to the committee Rob Hall and thank you to the other committee members for their continued support! I, Brittany Norris, am now the Media Manager so will be looking after this website and the LFRCA Facebook page and group πŸ™‚

Find the agenda for the AGM and general meeting minutes below.

AGM 2022

Our AGM is to be held on Thursday 13th October 7.30pm at the Lenswood Memorial Park.

We are keen to encourage representation from all community groups and community members.  Please come to the meeting.

The president of the Lenswood Memorial Park, will give a presentation entitled – β€œWhat’s happening at the park?”




We invite you to become a member of our association. Your support will aid us in paying for some planned entertainment and activities at the free entry, TASTING NOSTALGIA community picnic and history display on October 23 at the Lenswood Memorial Park.Memberships are now due for renewal and can be made on the membership form: welcome your involvement.

Forest Range Cinema

The next FREE ENTRY – INDOOR screening is the Martin Scorsese film – Hugo.

Hugo is a young orphan who loves pottering around with the station clocks and whose most treasured possession is his late father’s automaton. His mission is to find a key that will get it working.

Friday 1st April 8.00pm Forest Range Hall. Bring snacks and a mask.Β  The 2hour film will start at 8.00pm.