Lenswood Community Resilience

Adelaide Hills Council and Red Cross are organising a series of workshops on community resilience at the Lenswood Memorial Park Hall, commencing on 17th March.  In the event of a disaster, such as fire, how should our community respond? How do we communicate if the power and the internet is down?  Where do we assemble safely? How do we care for sufferers?

Register for the programme and bring your ideas on how our community can work together.

Events Calendar

A calendar of events is now on the Community Association website. Community groups are encouraged to promote their event by listing on the calendar. Send information to lfrcassoc@gmail.com to have your event added to this list. We hope this site will help our small community to promote events, and avoid clashing events, and to undertake efficient planning. View the calendar on “EVENTS” on the menu above.

Chat Group

The Lenswood and Forest Range Residents CHAT GROUP is now open! We invite you to join. This is a community resource for the exchange of information, discussion of issues in this community and a general chat room. Please use it but use it wisely. Be respectful of others and remember not to undermine the value of this space, which is somewhere we can safely reach out to others and spread goodwill in our community.


You are cordially invited to the AGM of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association to be held Wed. the 8th September 2021 at 7:30pm. Forest Range Hall. -The General Meeting of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association will be held concurrently.

Dear friend of Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association,
our AGM will be next Wednesday the 8th of September, 7:30pm at the Forest Range Hall, to be followed by a regular meeting where we will discuss, amongst other things, planning for The Forest Range Gold Rush event scheduled for October 10th. We will be BBQing sausages and providing entertainment. All volunteers will be welcome! If you are interested in being involved please feel free to contact Chris Grant or Peter Stafford in the meantime to discuss, or simply turn up on the night. Contact lfrcassoc@gmail.com.
Please attend and support the group, guide its direction and lend a hand. All office positions will need to be filled, so consider being involved.
Attachments: – the minutes of the previous AGM, AGM agenda, minutes of previous ordinary meeting and ordinary meeting agenda.
Kind Regards Chris Grant Secretary LFRCA

A reminder that membership fees fall due at this time, Membership form is at https://lenswood-forestrange.org.au/?page_id=573 or pay on the night. 
We are back to pulling broom at Lenswood Centennial Park Saturday mornings 8.30 to 10.00am

Kind Regards Chris Grant Secretary, LFRCA