The next meeting of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association Wed. 12th June 2019 at Forest Range Hall 1263 Lobethal Road Forest Range. Meet your Federal MP for a fireside chat, with her thoughts for this new term of parliament and discussing local issues.

The next meeting of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community association wed. 12th June 2019 at Forest Range Hall at 7:30pm. 1263 Lobethal Road Forest Range. Meet your Federal MP for a fireside chat, with her thoughts for this new term of parliament and discussing local issues.

A general business meeting will follow the discussion.

Agenda 12th june 2019:

This Friday Night is cinema night!

Friday 12 April 7.30pm

Forest Range Hall

1263 Lobethal Road Forest Range


Lenswood & Forest Range

Community Association

Local News Reel



Candy Bar

Popcorn, coffee, cake

or bring your own snacks

bring a blankie.

Freds Tank

Recently, the Lenswood landmark, Fred’s Tank was given a fresh coat of paint, preserving the signage that was painted some years ago.
A friendly, grammar police, pedant, questioned why an apostrophe was not included in the name. This raises further questions. Was the project an historical preservation exercise or should it have been a correction in grammar exercise?
Our thanks to the volunteers who did the restoration and thanks to the land owner who gave permission for the work.
For information on the history of Fred’s Tank, follow the History group link Freds Tank

150 years -Lenswood Primary School- minutes – meeting held 2nd April. Next Meeting: Tuesday, 4 June at 7pm at school

minutes 150 years April 2 2019

Hi All

Thank you so much for attending our second meeting last night.

Please find attached minutes of our meeting.

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Julia Cowlam

Lenswood Primary School

ph 8389 8278 I fax 8389 8552 I mob 0439 007 153



Hi everyone, this is a reminder that the next meeting of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association is next Wednesday the 3rd of April, 7:30pm at the Forest Range Hall.

Hi everyone,

this is a reminder that the next meeting of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association is next Wednesday the 3rd of April, 7:30pm at the Forest Range Hall.

Agenda doc 3rd april 2019

The agenda is attached, in brief:

  1. Lenswood Primary School 150th anniversary plans.
  2. Heritage Trail
  3. Cinema
  4. Graffiti
  5. Message Board. 
  6. Website & Facebook. 
  7. Forest Range Oval guard rail entrance issue
  8. inviting local MP’s and others to this meeting
  9. Adelaide Hills Council matters

Kind regards

Chris Grant


A Reminder

Hello to the Forest Range & Lenswood History Group, the Lenswood & Forest Range Community Association, the Lenswood Primary School Parents & Friends and all LPS staff.

The schooling in the Lenswood/Forest Range area is 150 years this year!  We’d like to celebrate and organise an event to commemorate this occasion.  Would you be interested in helping out?  We’d love to get together to start the ball rolling.

If you’d like to join us please bring along some ideas with you and meet at the school on Tuesday, 19 February at 7pm to discuss this further.

Can you please RSVP to me to let me know if you would be interested.


Julia Cowlam

Lenswood Primary School

ph 8389 8278 I fax 8389 8552 I mob 0439 007 153

