YOUR HALL – YOUR HUB will be held at the Lenswood Memorial Park 694 Swamp Road this Sunday 25th October 11 am to 2 pm. It is being organised by The Community Reference Group that is related to the Cudlee Creek Bushfire Recovery.

Similar events are being held in other towns affected by the Cudlee Creek Fire.  The aim is to promote the use of community halls and create awareness of community clubs and organisations.

There will be a presentation by CFS captain, David Kumnick,  at 12 .00 pm, followed by a sausage sizzle.

The next Lenswood Centennial Park working bee will be on Wed 14th Oct at 5:30pm.

The next Lenswood Centennial Park working bee will be on Wed 14th Oct at 5:30pm. It will be light work hand-pulling broom in a very nice patch of bush towards the rear of the park near the “wine drinker” silhouette. The ground is soft and the wildflowers are out making it a pleasant task.
Please find attached the minutes of last night’s meeting.
Kind Regards Chris Grant Secretary LFRCA

You are cordially invited to the AGM of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association at 7:30pm on Wed the 22nd of July at Forest Range Hall.

Hello all,
we trust this finds you well.
The minutes of the latest Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association meeting are attached.
Memberships are now due. We really do need to sustain the membership if we are to continue with the LFRCA, so please join/renew by completing the attached form and return to me. You can return electronically, drop them at the Forest Range Post Office, or send via  Australia Post but you must use a stamp!
Our AGM will be held on Wednesday the 22nd of July. We will be discussing the future direction of the Association, so please come along if you can, so that the decision on where we go with this group is fully informed. Minutes of our previous AGM are attached. We are very pleased to have as a speaker Kim Jordan from the Lobethal Community Association who will speak on the Pocket Forest project in Lobethal. This is a really interesting project that will establish a demonstration garden of fire-resistant species that could be very valuable to inform the community on species that are appropriate in fire-prone areas. 
The matter of fire preparedness is a very important discussion, so please come and participate and see where the group can further explore this issue. We expect this to be the first of many discussions on the topic.

Kind Regards

Chris GrantSecretary LFRCA

The next meeting of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association is on Wed 24th of June, 7:30pm at the Forest Range Hall, 1263 Lobethal Road.

Hi all,
in order to return to the normal functions of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Assoc, we will resume meetings with the next one on Wed the 24th of June, 7:30pm at the Forest Range Hall.
We haven’t really established the priorities for the year yet, with interruptions for fire and plague (pestilence is next?), so please send your thoughts via email or even better come to the meeting to discuss things over a cup of tea. 

  • Attached is the agenda, which, in brief, will cover:
  1. Heritage Trail – tying up the loose ends

2. Friends of Centennial Park proposal

3. Forest Range Cinema

4. Community gathering in October – picnic?

5. Improving our bank balance.

To those who responded to the request for views on the running of Shannon’s Rally, thank you. The rally will go ahead, with a couple of minor changes to improve access to some cherry growers and Gorge Wildlife Park. They have been requested to move the event earlier to avoid the cherry season, and there is some indication they will do this. 
Kind Regards

Chris Grant Secretary

 Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association

The next meeting of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association is on Wed 11th of March, 7:30pm at the Forest Range Hall, 1263 Lobethal Road.

Hello all,
the next meeting of the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association is on Wed 11th of March, 7:30pm at the Forest Range Hall, 1263 Lobethal Road.
Please come along for brainstorming on this year’s activities. Items include the Forest Range Cinema and community picnic but ideas are welcome. If you can’t come please email you thoughts.
Kind Regards Chris Grant Secretary LFRCA

Lenswood Centennial Park Heritage Trail

The Heritage Trail was developed by the Lenswood and Forest Range Community Association to mark the centenary of the naming of Lenswood in 2017.  It tells the stories of the pioneers of our district. The Trail aims to honour the Peramangk people and their ancestors, the custodians of this land for more than 50,000 years.  It also honours the colonial settlers, of more recent times.

Planning for the Heritage Trail began by giving students of the Lenswood Primary School a list of themes and asking them to provide drawings depicting pioneers of the district.  Those images provided concepts which led to the final structures that are now on display. Life size silhouettes cut from steel.

The Trail is in the Lenswood Centennial Park, opposite 1590 Lobethal Road, Lenswood. It follows a creek in a picturesque valley of tall stringy barks trees.  There are ten silhouettes spaced over 800 metres and at the base of each one is an information plaque providing additional information via a QR code.

The achievements of our immigrant ancestors who settled this district are a source of pride to our residents.  We honour the challenges they faced and overcame to establish our community. Equally we honour our Indigenous People, the oldest continuous culture on the planet and their harmony with the environment and deep knowledge of this land.

This Heritage Trail is an inspirational, history resource for Lenswood Primary School students and we hope it is an interesting and unique way of promoting our community to visitors to the Lenswood Centennial Park and surrounds.

The Forest Range Movie Night is back! See you 7:30pm, Friday 20th December at the Forest Range Hall.

Hello all,
yes, the Forest Range movie night is back! Complete with Peter Stafford’s creative Local Newsreel, trailers, candy bar and Father Christmas, you hardly even need a movie. But we even throw in Storm Boy for good measure. For this we ask a small donation, as it does cost to hire  the movie .
So, see you 7:30pm, Friday 20th  December at the Forest Range Hall. 
Kind Regards Chris Grant Secretary Lenswood and Forest Range Community Group.